Mizmar, a single or double reed wind instrument known as a "horn" because of its trumpet-like sound. Mizmar also refers to a group of 2 or 3 Mizmar musicians who are accompanied by a bass drum ensemble. As one effect of modernization, the Mizmar is now made out of metal and not with the original apricot wood, which has transformed both the sound of music but as well the lives of the few remaining artisans who use traditional techniques to make this instruments. While urban Egypt is being newly transformed through modern media and technology, the skill of these artisan-musicians in the Delta show the efforts involved in “working” to preserve traditional culture and craft in the modern Middle East. Again, the breathing technique is special: air is inhaled through the nose and stored in the cheeks before being channelled into the Mizmar.
Date: 12/02/2009
Owner: Dominik Huber
Size: 23 items